
By Mrs. Ann Arndt

October 4, 2016

I’m in an “appreciate your teacher” mode. I was thinking of their job descriptions, and realize again, that even in the most detailed of job descriptions, many things are not included. Here are a few of the “interesting” tasks that teachers find themselves doing: wiping runny noses, tying shoes, mediating quarrels, checking for head lice, unclogging toilets, putting band aids on bruises, reading notes from satisfied (or unsatisfied) parents, opening stubborn lunch containers, fixing bloody noses, finding lost glasses, diagnosing chicken pox, opening a Christmas present when an over eager child has already told you what it is, looking for lost retainers in the cafeteria trash can, suffering through temperamental copy machines, sharing with children what they bring you (left over snacks, family secrets, OOPS, yes it happens, flu, flowers – sometimes with ants included, knock knock jokes, etc.)

Of course, it also doesn’t list as compensation for a job well done: hugs, smiles, pats on the back, good parent notes, birthday treats, many Christmas gifts, children’s jokes, friendly conversation in the halls, the joy of a “light bulb going on” in the child’s face.

Teaching is a difficult profession with long hours and low compensation (especially Lutheran teachers). It is also a very honorable and rewarding profession. We have probably all been touched by a teacher, even when we were a reluctant pupil. We (and our children) have seen good examples from our teachers, have been guided by our teachers, and owe our teachers debts that can never be repaid. Much of what we have accomplished, we owe to our teachers. We have been taught by teachers who were in the profession not to get rich, but to make a difference in the lives of children.

We, who are so blessed, often take things for granted, including our dedicated teachers. Please help your child appreciate his/her teacher. What a wonderful team we make; parents and teachers, who love the children and work so hard to make a difference in their lives. Thanking God for MLA, where parents and teachers work together, and who see the value, not only of a good education, but also a Christian education!

Beginning next week, we will have a new section of Eagle’s Cry, entitled FEATURE A TEACHER!. It’s fun to see what our teachers are like outside the classroom!