Being at Martin Luther Academy is great!  It is amazing to be part of a community that cares for each other like family.  I am able to see this more and more each day through many of the events listed below.

  • · We had great participation for our first TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) meeting last week.  TEAM’s next dinner fundraiser is Tuesday, October 10, at Panera.
  • · Thanks to everyone for making the 1st Annual MLA Walkathon a success.  The students walked over two miles and raised over $7,100.  The money will be used to purchase basketball goals and a student information system.  A special thank you to Julie Battista and her committee!
  • · We had a strong number of students that sang on Sunday at King of Kings Lutheran Church.   Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 12, when we sing at Holy Cross Lutheran.
  • · The Liberty Fall Festival was a great opportunity to partner with St. Stephen and share with visitors about MLA and St. Stephen Lutheran Church ministries.
  • · The students held their first Family Group activity on Tuesday.   Family groups are students from each grade mixed together so they can interact with each other.

Fan Appreciation Night is Friday, October 6 at the MLA Lady Eagles’ Volleyball Game. The K-8th Grade Students will lead a cheer before each game.  Please see the Fall Sports’ on the next page for specific information about the night and watch for flyers coming home this week and next.  

In the midst of all the activities, we are blessed to work with 90 students each day in the classroom and to nurture them spiritually, emotionally, and academically.  I have enjoyed visiting classrooms and seeing how our teachers interact with the students.  During 4th grade reading class, I learned how kids in different parts of the world access books.  In Mrs. Haase class, she encouraged her students to visualize what it was like for the pilgrims to discover a new land.  In Mrs. Kutz’s class, they were using dry erase boards to work on their spelling and a little phonics.  MLA is truly blessed to have a faculty and staff who are passionate about teaching and helping your children grow academically.        

Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

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