We have been truly blessed financially at MLA this year and a large part of that is thanks to you. Over the course of the year, we have explored and im-plemented some facility improvements to help with the cost. Over Spring Break, we had LED lights installed throughout the building, and has already saved us about $400 over the past two months. We continue to work on in-stalling improved HVAC controls to help with managing the temperature throughout the building.

There have been many events that have successfully raised money for both specific and general needs of our community. We hosted our first annual WalkAThon money raised was used to purchase a basketball goal and start up costs for our new student information system, TADS Educate. MLA Grandparents gifted us with about $7000. Mrs. Martens had huge success with the Christmas appeal. TEAM has continue to help support MLA by pay-ing for field trips, yearbooks, support for marketing, and much more. TEAM was able to do this through Butter Braids, the Cookie Walk, Scrip Cards and Food Nights. This year, we also had the highest grossing auction in recent years. We grossed over $57,000 that helped purchase Chromebooks, a Google Cart, and contribute toward other MLA expenses.

June 2nd, we are hosting the 14th Annual Martin Luther Academy Golfing Outing. In the past, this outing has raised about $6500 for MLA and we would love to share with everyone that we were able to blow that amount off the green. If you play golf register for an exciting day of golf, fun and food. If you do not golf or are unable to attend, you can always give a donation or sponsor a hole for the outing.

I just want to say thank you to everyone, who continues to support MLA and bless this wonderful community with your gifts!

Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

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