
6 September 2018

Grandparents’ Day is tomorrow (if you read this on Thursday) and it is always fun having grandparents join us for the day.  The teachers have been planning for this event since June. The day is filled with opportunities for our MLA community to share gifts and talents that God has blessed us with.   Old friendships can be renewed & new ones made. The opportunities to serve are numerous at Martin Luther Academy.

 When I was speaking with my kids grandmother, she asked if Martin Luther was going to make an appearance.  Martin Luther will not be there, but his alter ego will be leading us in chapel. Due to the growth in students and families, we added two more stations to our rotation.  I am also excited that Jessy, the Comfort Dog, will be one of the stations. Renee Ravanelli is Jessy’s handler, and she will share about the ministry. Our MLA chapel offering is going toward the support this ministry.  Of course, one of the stations is a snack station. 2018 Grandparents’ Day should be filled with a lot of fun and excitement.

 Grandparents’ Day is another day, where we can see our, “Real. Present. God.”  Pastor Clemens led us in chapel on Wednesday. He reminded us how Grandparents play an important role in our parents’ lives and in our own lives.  How they have instilled values and morals in our lives and in many situations expressed the importance of learning about God. We are blessed every day to be able to continue to teach about the importance of being grounded in God, and how our God is present in our lives daily.     

 Mr. Scott Dixon