
Wednesday in chapel, Pastor Reiser talked to us about clothing.  He shared how Adam and Eve were sinful when they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  They no longer focused on God. Their focus shifted to themselves. “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” Genesis 3:10. Pastor Reiser proceeded to tell us how God clothed Adam and Eve in “garments of skins and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21. One of the points that Pastor Reiser shared was that these garments of skins had to come from somewhere and this most likely was the first atoning “sacrifice.”

Thousands of years later, we still fall into the trap of it’s all about me, the “I” in the center of sIn. We live in a culture of whatever feels best for me is okay.  Just watch the news or look at social media. The past couple of weeks I have had the privilege of  listening to Mrs. Haase teach in religion class, and Pastor Cal preach at church, on how everything we have is from God.  Our clothes, food, water, health, even our children are from God. We are God’s. We are His children through baptism, and the sacrifice God made by sending Jesus to the cross and the resurrection that followed.  God has blessed us with much and tells us to use his blessings to serve others.

The 7th and 8th grade class designated the 4th quarter chapel offering.  The donations collected will be used to purchase items for Homeless Care Kits. Throughout the quarter we will ask for specific items for the kits too. There are many people who struggle, and these kits will help to provide basic needs for them.  

In the beginning, even though Adam and Eve sinned, God provided for all their needs.  He modeled what it means to love. I pray that as we finish the school year, we can model this same love to those around us.  

Real. Present. God.