
I enjoy watching the tv show The Office.  In an episode, one of the salesmen, Dwight, is asked to leave the office, he begins working for Staples.  It is not long before Michael Scott, the manager, learns about the little stuff that Dwight did in the office, like watering the plant and organizing his desk.  He quickly sees that Dwight is more valuable than he realized and asks him to return to the office.  

This week is volunteer appreciation week.  We have the joy and privilege of trying to recognize all who help make MLA a wonderful community.  Pastor Danny led chapel on Wednesday and used 1 Corinthians 12 - One Body with Many Members as his focus for the message.  The passage, even though written 2000 years ago, still applies to us today.  Even though there are individuals at MLA, the focus of nurturing our students spiritually, emotionally and academically is a constant focus for our entire community.  After chapel, one of the upper grade students said she didn’t realize how many people volunteered at MLA. The blessings our school has received is not because of any one individual, but   because there are many who serve throughout the course of the year.  

Thank you!  You are amazing!  We are blessed to have many servants at MLA, and it would be very difficult to recognize all the different ways that people have served and are serving.  Whether your volunteering is big and bold or small and behind the scene (like watering a plant), thank you for blessing MLA and serving our Lord. Paul writes in verse 24, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”  Let us rejoice together in serving Him and those around us. Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been reviewing Lutheran teacher resumes.  Last week Mrs. Maas and Mr. Drews interviewed 3 teachers to help fill two classroom openings.  This week the Executive Council extended a call to two teachers.

The first call was extended to Katrina Celmer for 1st grade.  Ms. Celmer is currently teaching at a Lutheran school outside of Detroit.  She will be visiting MLA on Monday morning.

The second call was extended to Rebecca Denney.  She is currently teaching in Leavenworth, Kansas.  She will visit MLA at a future date.

Please keep these teachers in your prayers as they consider their current position and the teaching position that we have called them to fill.