I was recently working through some old documents in my drive and I ran across a brief survey I completed shortly after my family and I arrived in KC.  Some of the questions were basic (about my past, first involvement in Lutheran administration, the first time being a Lutheran Administrator) and a few more that I found holds true no matter the time. 

One of those questions was, “What has surprised you most about working with schools and/or students?”  Two and a half years ago I wrote, “The resilience of kids. Our students are coming from so many different backgrounds; from “non-traditional” families, learning disabilities, and challenging situations.  Our students want and need consistency, routine, love, and Christ in their lives.” Thinking over this question again not much has changed. Kids are resilient. I am amazed at the challenges they can overcome, the growth that occurs, and the love they show to others.  Many of us can share how kids today face more social issues than we did when we were kids.

Another question that led me to ponder was, “What do you wish other people knew about your school?”  I wrote, “The love and compassion of the entire community at MLA. I am constantly amazed by the number of volunteers, donations, supporters, and the love that everyone shows for one another.”  This is something I recognized immediately when joining the MLA community. We just wrapped up the Cookie Walk and Vendor Fair which took all of the MLA community to make happen between delivering cookies, organizing, setting up and everything else.  We will host the Lutheran Athletic League 7th/8th Basketball Tournament in February. Then in March, we will have our 17th Annual Fundraising Auction. All of these events require great effort from many people, and I am confident God will bless us. 

I have to say there are two aspects that make MLA’s community special.  One is the support we receive from the area churches. The support that the pastors and church boards provide MLA is something I did not expect.  The amount of member support we receive and the support our families provide for the church is amazing.   

The other aspect is the Christ-centered focus.  In our vision, we state we have a Christ-centered education.  This is something that can be seen throughout our community whether it is at MLA, one of the churches, or elsewhere.  Christ is shining through us. What a joyous time of year to be a light in the world while we wait and prepare for the coming of the true light, Jesus Christ our Savior.

I pray we not only look at the birth of Christ but rejoice in the return of our Savior.  Merry Christmas to everyone!

Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

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