Principal's Pennings

11 April

Last Sunday evening, we received word that Mr. Scott Dixon has accepted our call to be full time principal at MLA! This is exciting news! Mr. Dixon is married to Jessica, who is a trained DCE. They have twins, a boy and a girl, who will be entering kindergarten this fall. They will be coming to us from Milwaukee, some time in late June, and Mr. Dixon will begin his duties as principal about July 1. Our prayers are with them as they prepare for their move and transition to MLA. Mr. Dixon is about to experience the wonderful faculty, families, and students of MLA!

I love being in a Lutheran school during Holy Week. What better place for your children to be as they hear daily this week of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection!

11 April

Last Sunday evening, we received word that Mr. Scott Dixon has accepted our call to be full time principal at MLA! This is exciting news! Mr. Dixon is married to Jessica, who is a trained DCE. They have twins, a boy and a girl, who will be entering kindergarten this fall. They will be coming to us from Milwaukee, some time in late June, and Mr. Dixon will begin his duties as principal about July 1. Our prayers are with them as they prepare for their move and transition to MLA. Mr. Dixon is about to experience the wonderful faculty, families, and students of MLA!

I love being in a Lutheran school during Holy Week. What better place for your children to be as they hear daily this week of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection!

Ann Arndt, Principal Penning

21 March

 It was a few years back (well, maybe many years) when I was a sophomore in high school. We had a nice teacher for science, but one that did not always make wise decisions. Thinking back on it now, I actually think he should have chosen a different profession! However, he didn’t, became a teacher, and the following actually happened in his classroom. Somehow Mr. “X” had gotten a blood testing kit and told us he would test all of us and tell us our blood types. In our naivety, we were rather excited. The idea might have been good, the procedure was not. He used the same “lance” on all of us, merely wiping it off with a paper towel between students. We honestly did not think a thing about it. We had no concerns. We didn’t, at least, until the next day when one of the students was absent, one that was in our science class. He had been sent to the emergency room the night before, being violently sick, and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Whether it was A, B, or C, I don’t know. We just knew the word hepatitis was scary enough. Soon it would be all over school that all of us in that class were exposed, and that a bus would arrive shortly to take us all to the hospital to get shots to prevent us from getting hepatitis. That is exactly what happened; no parent permission slips and no notes home to parents. My, haven’t things changed? Can you imagine the lawsuits this situation would bring today?

4 April

It was Palm Sunday, but because of a sore throat, little 5 year old Sammy stayed home from church with a babysitter. When the family returned home, they were carrying palm fronds. Sammy asked what they were for, and his father replied, “People held them over Jesus’ head and laid them down on the path for Jesus as he walked by.”

Little Sammy complained, “The one day I don’t go, and Jesus shows up!”

Do you ever take Christian education for granted? Sometimes I do, as that has been my whole life since graduating from college. For instance, I take for granted that religion will be taught every day, that the teachers will not be afraid to teach their faith, that no one will come into our facility and arrest us for teaching about Jesus, that our lives are not in danger because we teach the Bible.

 While at Messiah Lutheran School, we once had a student from Iran. She and her mother had only been in the US for a short time, but had already attended a Lutheran church and become baptized. They really wanted to remain in the US where they could worship and learn about Jesus without fear, having to hide. Yasi was sent to MLS so she could daily learn about Jesus. Her mother did NOT take a Christian education for granted. When you’ve gone through so much for your faith, appreciation is probably what you feel, rather than taking that faith and the teaching of the Bible for granted.

Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


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